For so many months now, I have been trying to catch a Largemouth Bass (LMB) in Lumot Lake to no avail. I have the right gear already, rod-reel-rig setup, and the right bait... still no luck. What baffles me even more is, it seems that I am the only one among my angler friends who, after 6 months of trying, has not caught a single LMB in Lumot Lake. While my two friends, Cyrus Capuno and Arnold Rivera, would get to catch 6 to up to a dozen on a single day! Dafuq, right!?

I am writing this blog out of frustration already. As of this writing, I just went on a fishing trip to Lumot Lake yesterday with Cyrus and we caught nothing, zero! This is a follow-up trip after his epic catch of 12 Large Mouth Bass last Independence Day Holiday (June 12, 2019)... it's been raining already and we assumed that LMBs at Lumot Lake would now be active and won't just hover and stay inactive underwater due to the summer heat we've been experiencing in the past weeks in the Philippines.
So this morning I asked Cyrus to go as far back as he could and let me know those dates, with pictures, that he was able to successfully catch LMBs in Lumot Lake... After going through the dates, I noticed a pattern, it is usually the first three days of the first quarter moon phase of the month. The next thing I thought of checking out is the tide movements on those dates.. and eureka! It looks like I'm on to something... I will find out for sure as I do another trip on June 27, 2019 - Thursday.
Wish me luck! :)